society origins image
In November 2002 a small group of like minded people in Crick met with tutor Rosemary McCarlie to organise a 10 week history course, which started in January 2003. In reporting this in the December 2002 edition of Crick News, Jim Goodger said that 'with sufficient interest this could be the start of something big.'  

Thus the Crick History Society got under way with the aims of:
  • encouraging an interest in the history of Crick village
  • researching and sharing knowledge of the history of Crick 
  • creating a record of the history of Crick village and establishing an archive of that information for future generations
  • organising meetings and events of historical interest for the benefit of members and others
  • and promoting contact with other Local History Societies, Associations and responsible bodies.
It has developed into the group it is today with an impressive history of its own in terms of  meetings, projects and achievements. However it is important to note that we have got where we are today through the generosity of folk willing to share information. Without it we would not have been able to amass the information available in our archive, most of which is now held digitally.
Please contact us if you have something you think might be of interest to the Society:- documents, photographs or postcards, artefacts (or even an old house!).

We will be very pleased to hear from you.
(Email the Society)